Adam – The true freedom And you will know the truth and the truth shell set you free – John 8: 32 My name is Adam. So I called myself about 10 years ago when I became a believer, independent of patterns and definitions of persons regarding national identity, religious …
קרא\י עוד »Searched for eternal life – the story of Yaron
Searched for eternal life – the story of Yaron My name is Yaron. I was born in Tel Aviv in the seventies and grew up in the area of Hatikva neighborhood and Yad Eliyahu neighborhood. I was to elementary school “Hayarden” and then “Ironi Tet” high school. My parents were Jews …
קרא\י עוד »How I found my way to God – by Rebecca L. Messianic Jew
How I found my way to God – by Rebecca L. Messianic Jew I was born twice in Romania, during the communist regime. For the first time, I was born in 1944 in a traditional Jewish family. My late father, was a tailor, and had a workshop for tailored clothes. He did …
קרא\י עוד »Ilan – found a treasure in a jar of clay
Ilan – found a treasure in a jar of clay My name is Ilan I was born in 1973, and live in Tel-Aviv Israel I found this treasure, and I didn’t have to go very far in order to find it. I found it at home It was when I was …
קרא\י עוד »Varda – found peace with God
Varda – found peace with God My name Verde. I was born in a jewish traditional Moroccan family, we conducted all Israeli holidays and Sabbath observance. The holidays and Sabbath observance were kept because of my father. The prohibitions were tough at home My husband and I are spiritual, we looked for …
קרא\י עוד »Zvi – how I came to faith in Jesus the messiah
Zvi – how I came to faith in Jesus the messiah I lived all my life as a person without faith. I have lived abroad and I got married for the second time with a Christian woman non-Jewish who was praying every night before she went to bed and read from the book of the New …
קרא\י עוד »Messianic Jew tells how she decided to believe in Jesus
.Messianic Jew tells how she decided to believe in Jesus I was born in Israel and my family was not religious, but was more traditional to a certain extent. I always remember the Sabbath and holidays, the synagogue and the Kidush. Everything was nice and pleasant. After high school graduation …
קרא\י עוד »