Wednesday , October 9 2024
Home / Volunteers


There are many places in Israel where one can volunteer, but we would not like to recommend a place we do not know personally. In this page you will find few places where you can volunteer in Israel that we can recommend of. Some of them belongs to believers and some of them does not belong to believers. Another reason that we recommend these places is that they are close to assemblies and you can meet the believers in Israel.

Shevet Achim is a grace-based international community that brings children with congenital heart defects to the advanced medical centers in Israel
Bringing the Gospel back to the Jewish people
The Eben-Ezer home 
Is an old people home in Haifa for Jewish and Arab believers.Reuth Medical center
This medical center does not belong to believers but we know it and we can recommend it.

The National Project for Volunteers for Israel

If you can’t contact them, you can contact us and we will try to help you.

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Matthew 11:28 

Matthew 11:28 

Matthew 11:28  Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will …

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